The mission of Planting Stick Project is to sow seeds of good cause for the benefit of future generations through supporting Indigenous Wisdom Holders and their activities.
Since 1998 we have supported and worked with many Native Spiritual Elders and also Tibetan Rinpoches. We have been able to offer support through four program areas:
Gathering of Wise Ones - Providing the means for Indigenous Wisdom Holders to gather. Caretaking - Providing for the needs of Indigenous Wisdom Holders so that they can carry on with their spiritual duties. Sacred Teachings - Providing the means for the offering of Native American and Tibetan Teachings. Sanctuary Sites - Supporting places where all life is honored and year-round cycles of ceremony and prayer are kept.
May the benefit of our activities ripple out to the land and people all over the beautiful Mother Earth.
Wise ones have reminded us that we must come back to a sacred path if we are to survive. We cannot go forward if we keep harming the Earth. Our Mother is hurting and so we are hurting. We must come back to a culture inspired by love, peace, and harmony. Respecting someone with a different view or way of life is an act of love.
Indigenous Elders are inviting us to stop, wherever we are, whatever we are doing and join with them; to reconnect with our Mother Earth as her children; to engage in personal, family and community ceremonies with the intention to awaken; to feel appreciation; and to radiate love to all. Do this again and again; at the start of a day, at the beginning of a new season, at the New and Full Moon times. Ceremony can be as simple as holding a bit of cornmeal between your fingers and saying thank you from your heart and offering the prayer-infused corn to the Earth.
Let us reorient ourselves and remember that our Mother Earth is a living Mother, and we, her grateful children.
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Through our Sanctuary Project we have supported many Native American as well as Tibetan Buddhist ceremonial sites. Through our Gathering of Wise Ones Project we have sponsored meetings between Hopi and other Native Elders and Tibetan Rinpoches as they worked together for peace on Earth. In 1979, during the Dalai Lama’s first visit to the United States, he met with the Hopi Kikmongwi/spiritual leaders in Hotevilla. It is said that in this meeting the Tibetan Buddhadharma was planted like a seed in the West.
Our newest project is creating a traditional Tibetan Buddhist Hermitage in the Southwest. This will allow accomplished Dharma practitioners to engage in meditation practices away from the distractions of worldly life, bringing great benefit to all sentient beings.
When talking with Bhakha Tulku Rinpoche about the need for a traditional hermitage place in the southwest, he replied, "Do that!"
So, we invite you to and hope that you will help make this happen. This will require purchasing a small piece of land and putting up a few simple huts.
“May these projects alleviate suffering and bring about the Peace we all hold so dear.
Dalai Lama with Hopi Kikmongwi,1979 - photo by Marcia Keegan
Prayer offering at Sacred Fire at Ayehli Gasoqualv ceremonial site.
Planting Stick Project is a 501 c 3 non-profit organization. Your donations large and small are appreciated and will be acknowledged. Thank you!